Some time ago, Spyridoula Arapogianni’s daughter Anthi attended a seminar of the Ecumenical Federation of Constantinopolitans about recovering the assets of the Greek Nationals who used to live in Constantinople.

There were many experts including the President of the Federation, Attorneys, historians who gave comprehensive information about the subject.

Anthi left with the hope that one day she would be able to recover her grandparents’ assets, but she was confused regarding how this would be possible and how much this process would cost?

Soon after that day, Anthi’s grandmother’s best friend who used to live in Constantinople and who had no heirs, asked Anthi if by any chance, she knew a way of helping her to recover her ancestor’s assets in Constantinople. And she also told Anthi that if she was successful in recovering these assets, then she would happily give Anthi a share of the recovered assets in exchange for her help

Hence, pursuing this opportunity of how to recover assets belonging to the Greek Nationals in the Republic of Turkey became even more important and urgent to Anthi, but she still had no idea where to start.

Nonetheless, she decided to ask for a Power of Attorney from her grandmother’s best friend to start by obtaining the line of heirship documents from Greek public authorities and then search for an attorney in the Republic of Turkey to see what her chances would be in recovering such assets.

Her grandmother’s best friend agreed to this and granted Anthi a Power of Attorney to do this work and also gave her some clues of the whereabouts of the assets.

Anthi had only an idea where in Istanbul (Constantinople) these assets were located. But, she did not have copies of the title deeds nor, the old addresses of these assets. Anthi had no idea where and how to start..

A few weeks later, Anthi attended a VIP weekend retreat in Oxford/England, where she met Vedat Yelkenci, a British/Turkish National who was born in Istanbul (Constantinople) and who used to live in Istanbul (Constantinople) in the Therapia region of Constantinople where Anthi’s granmother’s best friend’s ancestor’s assets were supposed to be located.

This was an amazing coincidence, and Anthi naturally mentioned the situation to Vedat and asked him if he could be able to help her in any way.

To Anthi’s surprise, Vedat said that, the assets belonging to the Family Trust founded by his ancestors were assumed by Third Parties as well and he had already established a team of lawyers and researchers to identify, locate and recover these assets in Constantinople and Asia Minor.

They traveled back to London realizing how similar their family history was and agreed to work together on the recovery of the assets of her grandmother’s best friend’s ancestors.

Anthi gave Vedat whatever information and clues she had about these assets and within a few weeks, Vedat’s team in Istanbul identified these assets and several others in the name of the same family.

When Anthi mentioned all these developments to Spyridoula, they decided that they should also start searching for the assets belonged to their ancestors in Constantinople and Asia Minor.

Spyridoula met Vedat and thereafter, started working together extensively, during which time, they built up a unique knowhow and expertise on the subject and decided to do this professionally and formed a Company together and that’s how Hera Assets Limited came to life..